‘I Feel Fortunate to Have Her Expertise’

March 5, 2024

Richard Warren Aamodt lives in Northfield, Minnesota, with his wife Karen. His grandfather served in the Royal Norwegian Navy, and his father served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. 

“I felt a calling,” he said. 

Aamodt spent four years in the Navy, serving in the Pacific and the Gulf of Tonkin. Today, the 75-year-old veteran has an aggressive form of prostate cancer due to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. 

About six years ago, when Aamodt was new to the area, people recommended he contact VFW Accredited Service Officer Lynette Bonin to get help filing VA claims. 

“Lynette made time for me through phone calls and appointments, and she was always willing to help in any way,” Aamodt said. “She has great knowledge about the VA system and has been invaluable in helping me file my claims.” 

Aamodt secured a disability rating of 80% with Bonin’s help. He encourages other veterans to find support to receive the rating they deserve. 

“It’s just too complex to do on your own,” he said. “You need to get help from a service officer. I feel very fortunate to have Lynette’s expertise.”


Learn more about the VFW's National Veterans Service (NVS) program.