Number of VA-accredited VFW representatives across America and abroad, helping veterans fight for the VA benefits they have earned.
$13 billion
The total annual amount the VFW helped veterans recoup in VA disability compensation and pension benefits in fiscal year 2023.
Value of financial assistance awarded to military families to help cover basic needs in times of crisis. 61% of the funds covered basic housing needs in fiscal year 2023.
$1.6 million+
Amount of academic scholarships awarded to 357 veterans and service members.
Number of service members and their family members hosted at VFW Military Assistance Program (MAP) events.
$3 million+
Amount of scholarships, monetary awards and other incentives the VFW distributes annually to middle and high school students through two major patriotic essay competitions.
Number of times the VFW has testified to Congress in the last 12 months alone. The VFW has been instrumental in virtually every major legislative victory for veterans in the 20th and 21st centuries.